Friday, October 7, 2016

Happy October!

Whoops, welp, it's October 7th! I was hoping to get the next few Inktober pieces out ,but things got a little...complicated, I guess.
Anyways, I will be posting Inktober days 4 and 5 today, and probably also 6 and 7 (I haven't gotten around to doing Day 7 yet!) So here you are! (Be prepared, these were sort of rushed and I still don't really know how to use Photoshop to edit these)
Day 4 - Lye
Another character from Guardians of Creation (have I actually said that yet? I don't know...but that's what the story is called.) I don't really know how to explain without giving away too much...BUt everyone hates her. She's supposed to be the hated character. She knows all the secrets, yet chooses to mess with you. Also, as her name suggests, she can only speak in lies, so always do the opposite of whatever she says.

Day 5 - Creacheo
The companion to Silver and Red - it resides inside the stone Silver wears around her neck. It's sort of a spirit of creation. Again, I won't say too much because major spoilers. Creacheo is a fairly mischievous creature, it likes to mess around a lot - and it especially likes messing with Red. It may look weird, but that's just how it chooses to appear to humans. It is actually quote colorful, but there are many colors humans can't see, so, naturally, Creacheo chooses to appear in those colors - resulting in looking like a strange brown-ish color to humans. 

Well, those are days 4 and 5, and then end of some of the main characters of Guardians of Creation - for now at least! I plan to do some Pokemon drawings next, but I don't know after that. We'll see!

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