So I got a Pinterest
We're already off to a great start.
Monday, December 19, 2016
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Honestly I'm only really posting this because I'm pretty proud with how this turned out.
Friday, November 11, 2016
"Thousands of cherry trees dissolve into the night. Not even your voice will reach.
This is a banquet inside a steel jail cell. Look down on us from your guillotine..."
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Aaaand for the last day of Inktober:
Day 31 - Happy Halloween!
Yes, it is now NOVEMBER 3RD, but as I said, I have been super busy. Anyways, just a little drawing of Silver in a witch's outfit. (because she looks good in it. She honestly looks cute in anything, I use her as my model when designing clothes.)
I hope you all had a good Halloween, (Or Los Dias de Los Muertos) and a good October!
I had a lot of fun doing Inktober this year, and I'll definitely be doing it again next year!
haha time to go back to inactivity hnnn
Thanks for joining me (even though there's literally no one on this blog but me :"^) and bye for now!
Day 31 - Happy Halloween!
Yes, it is now NOVEMBER 3RD, but as I said, I have been super busy. Anyways, just a little drawing of Silver in a witch's outfit. (because she looks good in it. She honestly looks cute in anything, I use her as my model when designing clothes.)
I hope you all had a good Halloween, (Or Los Dias de Los Muertos) and a good October!
I had a lot of fun doing Inktober this year, and I'll definitely be doing it again next year!
Thanks for joining me
And for Day 30 - Shopkeep!
(I think this is the day I messed up on)
These are my brother's characters, Shopkeep, Lionel, and Vanna, from his story Shopkeep! I'm really excited to see how his story will go along! He has made 2 comics so far, and I believe he is animating the first episode as his senior project, and I hope it will go along into a full series! I'd support it!
I hope you like it, bro!
I actually showed this to him yesterday and he sort of crumpled up in happy embarrassment. I guess this is his first fanart! I'm honestly surprised, there's a lot of people who love his story!
(I think this is the day I messed up on)
These are my brother's characters, Shopkeep, Lionel, and Vanna, from his story Shopkeep! I'm really excited to see how his story will go along! He has made 2 comics so far, and I believe he is animating the first episode as his senior project, and I hope it will go along into a full series! I'd support it!
I hope you like it, bro!
I actually showed this to him yesterday and he sort of crumpled up in happy embarrassment. I guess this is his first fanart! I'm honestly surprised, there's a lot of people who love his story!
Day 28 - LizardFreak7
A good friend of mine! She was always "the cool girl" in school, and although we're at different schools now, I still think she's the "cool girl" ;^)
i actually just recently got into kpop and she was telling me how she's been obsessed with it since 7th grade, and sent me a list of over 100 songs i still have yet to listen to :"^)
I'm sorry I wasn't able to get some of the things I wanted to get done in time for your 3rd year anniversary on YouTube, but I hope you'll like this!
Check out her YouTube channel here! :
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Day 27 - Mitsu
And OC from a friend of mine (I dunno if he has an Instagram or whatever)
This OC is very old
only reason I still know it is 'cause my friend came over to my house the other day, and we looked through my old super crappy sketch book, and there was a page with this on it, and we sort of "reminisced" of our old stories and whatnot. I'm actually very proud of this design, and I think my friend liked it, too. I would really like to see my friend work with this character again (who doesn't want cool robot ninja things i completely forget what the story was)
Day 26 - GoldieXtm
A good friend of mine totally not my senpai *cough *COUGH* who I've known for a while! I drew her little version of herself from her story Color Adventures! (also the normal avatar she uses, but eh) She's a very good artist and I'd recommend you check her out! One of her many blogs is
I don't know what else to say wth aaaaa
I hope you like it!
A good friend of mine totally not my senpai *cough *COUGH* who I've known for a while! I drew her little version of herself from her story Color Adventures! (also the normal avatar she uses, but eh) She's a very good artist and I'd recommend you check her out! One of her many blogs is
I don't know what else to say wth aaaaa
I hope you like it!
Annnd here's friend week! The last week of drawings for Inktober! Look at the previous post as to why this is being posted on the 2nd of November :"^)
Day 24 - Hosta and Columbine
The more I look at this, the crappier it gets hnnn
That's what I get for rushing this, and only using one color.
Anyways, these precious babstotally not my otp belong to my good friend ! She also helps run our Splatoon blog ! (She's Clover)
Columbine is a big A-hole and I love him, and Hosta is the murderous cinnamon roll who has to deal with his crap.
I love these two.
Day 25 - Catherine
The usually drunk and probably insane Catherine! I think my friend's only OC... who is pretty much an older version of my friend. This is pretty accurate to how my friend acts. She also helps run the Splatoon blog (She's Rose)
I think this is pretty self explanatory....
Day 24 - Hosta and Columbine
The more I look at this, the crappier it gets hnnn
That's what I get for rushing this, and only using one color.
Anyways, these precious babs
Columbine is a big A-hole and I love him, and Hosta is the murderous cinnamon roll who has to deal with his crap.
I love these two.
Day 25 - Catherine
The usually drunk and probably insane Catherine! I think my friend's only OC... who is pretty much an older version of my friend. This is pretty accurate to how my friend acts. She also helps run the Splatoon blog (She's Rose)
I think this is pretty self explanatory....
Yes, I know it is November 2nd. I have been extremely busy these past couple of days, and am now finally able to get on the computer.
I hope you all had a Happy Halloween, and let's finish up the last week of Inktober!
I would like to note that I had miscounted, and only have 30 days, but I'm too tired and busyand lazy to make one last drawing, so...yeah
Day 19 - Memory
The arrogantly quirk and egotistical Memory! Memory acts very much like a child. Despite being an extremely powerful demon-angel thing (???), Memory will often throw a tantrum if he does not get what he wants. (He also can switch between male and female sort of at will, but we don't talk about female Memory...
Day 20 - Dream
Dream is a jerk. That's a fact. She hates everyone, and prefers to be left alone with the dreams of others, and her own imagination.she has also been known to release nightmares just because she's bored, but, y'know...
Day 21 - Time Lord Daika
Who doesn't love time dragons??? I know I do! Well, that's what Daikans are - time dragons. Though this drawing is more of just a regular Daikan than Time Lord Daika herself, but I don't want to give away anything before I even tell my story...
Day 22 - Space King Zan
If you thought time dragons were cool, how about Space Dinos???? Again, more of a regular Zanian than Zan himself, but they're still pretty cool. i still can't draw space.
Day 23 - Callie and Marie
Originally this was me and my friend as Callie and Marie, because that's what we were for Halloween,(which failed horribly, we will never talk about that aahahaahahaaaa :"^) but now it's just Callie and Marie, so ignore anything else I guess ahahahaaaaaa hnnn
Well, that's the days in between squid week and friend week, the sort of filler days. So onto friend drawings!
Yes, I know it is November 2nd. I have been extremely busy these past couple of days, and am now finally able to get on the computer.
I hope you all had a Happy Halloween, and let's finish up the last week of Inktober!
I would like to note that I had miscounted, and only have 30 days, but I'm too tired and busy
Day 19 - Memory
The arrogantly quirk and egotistical Memory! Memory acts very much like a child. Despite being an extremely powerful demon-angel thing (???), Memory will often throw a tantrum if he does not get what he wants. (He also can switch between male and female sort of at will, but we don't talk about female Memory...
Day 20 - Dream
Dream is a jerk. That's a fact. She hates everyone, and prefers to be left alone with the dreams of others, and her own imagination.
Day 21 - Time Lord Daika
Who doesn't love time dragons??? I know I do! Well, that's what Daikans are - time dragons. Though this drawing is more of just a regular Daikan than Time Lord Daika herself, but I don't want to give away anything before I even tell my story...
Day 22 - Space King Zan
If you thought time dragons were cool, how about Space Dinos???? Again, more of a regular Zanian than Zan himself, but they're still pretty cool.
Day 23 - Callie and Marie
Originally this was me and my friend as Callie and Marie, because that's what we were for Halloween,
Well, that's the days in between squid week and friend week, the sort of filler days. So onto friend drawings!
Saturday, October 29, 2016
AAaa I know no one's here on this blog but me, but I'd like to apologize.
Let's get into it
Day 15 - Tsunami and Riptide
Or yknow...the default boy n girl...I guess...I dunno...
Day 16 - Inky and Orca
A.K.A. Agent 3 n that one stupid Octoling
*cough* Itotallydontshipthesetwo *cough*
Inky is sort of stuck into between switching between kid and squidhe also can't talk but, eh
And Orca is a pretty idiotic Octoling.
Day 17 - Chamomile and Chai
These two are kind of old. There were originally me and my friend as squids (me being Chamo) but they've sort of devolved into their own characters (and many things have happened HO BOY). Chamo I think is part Cuttlefish, and can extend the length of her tentacles. She is quiet and very strange (and her spouting spaghetti from her mask being an inside joke) and I'm pretty sure Chamo has feelings for Chai, but is constantly battling others for that love because when Chai cries, her tears become new little squids!
Again, many weird things have happened.
Day 18 - The Spla2n kids!
crap i just realized i gave one of the squids the wrong hairdo GODANGIT
Well, I'm still a bit behind, but I'll try and upload as much as I can.
This concludes my Squid week! I'll be doing a few drawings, then for the last week: A week of drawings of friend's OCs!
Look forward to it!
AAaa I know no one's here on this blog but me, but I'd like to apologize.
Let's get into it
Day 15 - Tsunami and Riptide
Or yknow...the default boy n girl...I guess...I dunno...
*cough* Itotallydontshipthesetwo *cough*
Inky is sort of stuck into between switching between kid and squid
And Orca is a pretty idiotic Octoling.
Day 17 - Chamomile and Chai
These two are kind of old. There were originally me and my friend as squids (me being Chamo) but they've sort of devolved into their own characters (and many things have happened HO BOY). Chamo I think is part Cuttlefish, and can extend the length of her tentacles. She is quiet and very strange (and her spouting spaghetti from her mask being an inside joke) and I'm pretty sure Chamo has feelings for Chai, but is constantly battling others for that love because when Chai cries, her tears become new little squids!
Again, many weird things have happened.
Day 18 - The Spla2n kids!
crap i just realized i gave one of the squids the wrong hairdo GODANGIT
Well, I'm still a bit behind, but I'll try and upload as much as I can.
This concludes my Squid week! I'll be doing a few drawings, then for the last week: A week of drawings of friend's OCs!
Look forward to it!
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Inktober Days 12-14
These days are special, as not only will I start doing some Splatoon drawings, but these three are from and art blog I'm running with my friends over on Tumblr - Team Black Diamond!
Day 12 - Rose
Rose, the..uh.."valiant"...leader of Team Black Diamond. Maining with the Krak-on Roller, she's a force to be feared..albeit...questionable...
Day 13 - Clover, the silly soup- loving Octoling. The happy one of the team, and probably the only thing keeping Rose and Painite from killing each other. (Painite would totally win)
Day 14 - Painite
Painite, the short but deadly silent sniper of Team Black Diamond. You really don't wanna mess with Painite. Just a warning.
The three are pretty much me and my friends. I'm Painite, but, I'm probably nothing like Painite (ho boy, we have gone places with Painite). I may not have said much about them, but you can check out their blog here. Please note that it's still sort of...."under construction"...? But yeah, take a look!
These days are special, as not only will I start doing some Splatoon drawings, but these three are from and art blog I'm running with my friends over on Tumblr - Team Black Diamond!
Day 12 - Rose
Rose, the..uh.."valiant"...leader of Team Black Diamond. Maining with the Krak-on Roller, she's a force to be feared..albeit...questionable...
Day 13 - Clover, the silly soup- loving Octoling. The happy one of the team, and probably the only thing keeping Rose and Painite from killing each other. (Painite would totally win)
Day 14 - Painite
Painite, the short but deadly silent sniper of Team Black Diamond. You really don't wanna mess with Painite. Just a warning.
The three are pretty much me and my friends. I'm Painite, but, I'm probably nothing like Painite (ho boy, we have gone places with Painite). I may not have said much about them, but you can check out their blog here. Please note that it's still sort of...."under construction"...? But yeah, take a look!
Day 12,
Day 13,
Day 14,
Team Black Diamond
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Day 10 - Tempus
I literally don't know what to name him, so I'm just calling him Dialga for now. *Edit: His name is Tempus now.
I'm actually pretty satisfied with this design. I really like how he turned out.
Still dunno what to say, oh well.
Day 11 - Alpha
Alpha the Arceus. Took me longer than it should'be to come up with his name. I looked around on a baby name site for a while.
I think I seem to have a thing with vests and newsboy caps, because I REALLY like them. Emperor, Tempus, and Alpha all have a vest. What time period is that? 1930s...? I think so.
Welp, those are days 10 and 11.
I feel like this blog is going to devolve into a trash pit VERY soon. Especially since I'm alone on here, so....
I literally don't know what to name him, so I'm just calling him Dialga for now. *Edit: His name is Tempus now.
I'm actually pretty satisfied with this design. I really like how he turned out.
Still dunno what to say, oh well.
Day 11 - Alpha
Alpha the Arceus. Took me longer than it should'be to come up with his name. I looked around on a baby name site for a while.
I think I seem to have a thing with vests and newsboy caps, because I REALLY like them. Emperor, Tempus, and Alpha all have a vest. What time period is that? 1930s...? I think so.
Welp, those are days 10 and 11.
I feel like this blog is going to devolve into a trash pit VERY soon. Especially since I'm alone on here, so....
Day 10,
Day 11,
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Day 8 - Victoria
Again, I'm so creative with names, aren't I? I honestly didn't really know how to do this one. I love my Victini, but I wasn't sure how to do a gijinka of it. Oh well. Did it turn out well?
Day 9 - Cirrus
*Edit: Changed her name from Cloud to Cirrus. I actually didn't name my Pokemon in my games, so giving them names for the gijinkas was sort of one the spot. I'm...somewhat satisfied with this design for my Altaria. What do you think?
Again, I'm so creative with names, aren't I? I honestly didn't really know how to do this one. I love my Victini, but I wasn't sure how to do a gijinka of it. Oh well. Did it turn out well?
Day 9 - Cirrus
*Edit: Changed her name from Cloud to Cirrus. I actually didn't name my Pokemon in my games, so giving them names for the gijinkas was sort of one the spot. I'm...somewhat satisfied with this design for my Altaria. What do you think?
Day 8,
Day 9,
Saturday, October 8, 2016
For days 1-5, I did some Guardians of Creation stuff, but for next few days, I will be doing some Pokemon drawings! So, here we go!
Day 6 - Emperor
Well...Sort of Pokemon. I'll be doing Gijinkas of my team! Don't know how many, though.I'll probably just do my White 2 team. But anyways, here's my Serperior, Emperor! He's very flattering, and somewhat narcissistic. He loves to dance, and is quite an elegant man. He was my first starter, and I've stuck with grass types ever since!
Day 7 - Melody
Melody the Meloetta (because I'm so original with my names). Meloetta was my first legendary, so she's always been in my team! She's very quirky, yet somewhat shy, but she loves to make friends! Melody is actually a little bit shy to sing in front of people, ironically enough, but she is very comfortable with singing in front of her teammates!
Well, those are days 6 and 7! Days 8 and 9 coming soon!
Day 6 - Emperor
Well...Sort of Pokemon. I'll be doing Gijinkas of my team! Don't know how many, though.I'll probably just do my White 2 team. But anyways, here's my Serperior, Emperor! He's very flattering, and somewhat narcissistic. He loves to dance, and is quite an elegant man. He was my first starter, and I've stuck with grass types ever since!
Day 7 - Melody
Melody the Meloetta (because I'm so original with my names). Meloetta was my first legendary, so she's always been in my team! She's very quirky, yet somewhat shy, but she loves to make friends! Melody is actually a little bit shy to sing in front of people, ironically enough, but she is very comfortable with singing in front of her teammates!
Well, those are days 6 and 7! Days 8 and 9 coming soon!
Friday, October 7, 2016
Happy October!
Whoops, welp, it's October 7th! I was hoping to get the next few Inktober pieces out ,but things got a little...complicated, I guess.
Anyways, I will be posting Inktober days 4 and 5 today, and probably also 6 and 7 (I haven't gotten around to doing Day 7 yet!) So here you are! (Be prepared, these were sort of rushed and I still don't really know how to use Photoshop to edit these)
Day 4 - Lye
Another character from Guardians of Creation (have I actually said that yet? I don't know...but that's what the story is called.) I don't really know how to explain without giving away too much...BUt everyone hates her. She's supposed to be the hated character. She knows all the secrets, yet chooses to mess with you. Also, as her name suggests, she can only speak in lies, so always do the opposite of whatever she says.
Day 5 - Creacheo
The companion to Silver and Red - it resides inside the stone Silver wears around her neck. It's sort of a spirit of creation. Again, I won't say too much because major spoilers. Creacheo is a fairly mischievous creature, it likes to mess around a lot - and it especially likes messing with Red. It may look weird, but that's just how it chooses to appear to humans. It is actually quote colorful, but there are many colors humans can't see, so, naturally, Creacheo chooses to appear in those colors - resulting in looking like a strange brown-ish color to humans.
Well, those are days 4 and 5, and then end of some of the main characters of Guardians of Creation - for now at least! I plan to do some Pokemon drawings next, but I don't know after that. We'll see!
Whoops, welp, it's October 7th! I was hoping to get the next few Inktober pieces out ,but things got a little...complicated, I guess.
Anyways, I will be posting Inktober days 4 and 5 today, and probably also 6 and 7 (I haven't gotten around to doing Day 7 yet!) So here you are! (Be prepared, these were sort of rushed and I still don't really know how to use Photoshop to edit these)
Day 4 - Lye
Another character from Guardians of Creation (have I actually said that yet? I don't know...but that's what the story is called.) I don't really know how to explain without giving away too much...BUt everyone hates her. She's supposed to be the hated character. She knows all the secrets, yet chooses to mess with you. Also, as her name suggests, she can only speak in lies, so always do the opposite of whatever she says.
Day 5 - Creacheo
The companion to Silver and Red - it resides inside the stone Silver wears around her neck. It's sort of a spirit of creation. Again, I won't say too much because major spoilers. Creacheo is a fairly mischievous creature, it likes to mess around a lot - and it especially likes messing with Red. It may look weird, but that's just how it chooses to appear to humans. It is actually quote colorful, but there are many colors humans can't see, so, naturally, Creacheo chooses to appear in those colors - resulting in looking like a strange brown-ish color to humans.
Well, those are days 4 and 5, and then end of some of the main characters of Guardians of Creation - for now at least! I plan to do some Pokemon drawings next, but I don't know after that. We'll see!
Monday, October 3, 2016
Happy October!
This year I will be doing the Inktober challenge! I'm not following any particular "challenges" or "prompts", just one ink drawing a day!
And, yes, I know it is October 3rd. I've been pretty busy, and have been having printer problems, but I am able to get these up today!
Day 1 - Silver
Just a drawing of Silver, nothing else, really. Although I did have fun with this!
Day 2 - Red
I ended up doing this pretty late last night because we were out all day.
Though, the more I look at this, the more I wish I had centered it better...
Day 3 - Truth and Princess Eliza
Whenever I ask my sister for something to draw, she always says these two. She really likes them. I haven't introduced these two on here yet, but here they are! The shapeshifting monster Truth, and the 10 year old Princess Eliza.
Not sure what it is, but I just kinda like the thought of 'the most dangerous monster in the whole world being pushed around by a little 10 year old girl'. I dunno. I just kinda find that funny. And he's only being 'pushed' around by her, because he has no idea what is going on, with anything, so she's gotta teach him, pretty much, how to live.
I'll be honest, I feel I kind of rushed this.
And I couldn't edit it too well because I have no idea how to use Photoshop
Oh well. What do you think?
Well, that's days 1-3. Hopefully I can't get day 4 up tomorrow, and I have plenty of drawings planned for the whole month! Stay tuned!
ohmygosh i bought new pens and i think im already beginning to run out of ink jeez
This year I will be doing the Inktober challenge! I'm not following any particular "challenges" or "prompts", just one ink drawing a day!
And, yes, I know it is October 3rd. I've been pretty busy, and have been having printer problems, but I am able to get these up today!
Day 1 - Silver
Just a drawing of Silver, nothing else, really. Although I did have fun with this!
Day 2 - Red
I ended up doing this pretty late last night because we were out all day.
Though, the more I look at this, the more I wish I had centered it better...
Day 3 - Truth and Princess Eliza
Whenever I ask my sister for something to draw, she always says these two. She really likes them. I haven't introduced these two on here yet, but here they are! The shapeshifting monster Truth, and the 10 year old Princess Eliza.
Not sure what it is, but I just kinda like the thought of 'the most dangerous monster in the whole world being pushed around by a little 10 year old girl'. I dunno. I just kinda find that funny. And he's only being 'pushed' around by her, because he has no idea what is going on, with anything, so she's gotta teach him, pretty much, how to live.
I'll be honest, I feel I kind of rushed this.
Oh well. What do you think?
Well, that's days 1-3. Hopefully I can't get day 4 up tomorrow, and I have plenty of drawings planned for the whole month! Stay tuned!
Friday, September 16, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
![]() |
But this time I have stuff!
Although I feel a bit shy posting some original works, I'd like to introduce my "main" original characters, Silver and Red!
Again, I feel shy about posting this stuff, but once I get a few things up, I'm sure I'll get used to it! And I hope you'll enjoy some of the stories and characters I've made!
I have way to many doodles, so I'll have to figure out which ones to post at this time eeehhh
Although I feel a bit shy posting some original works, I'd like to introduce my "main" original characters, Silver and Red!
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
I'm new here. You may call me Fluffy, Pat, whatever you like!
This will mostly be used as an art blog.
I'm new to Blogger, and to blogging in general, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
I look forward to showing my art, and I hope you will enjoy!
(I don't really know what else to put here aaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
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