
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Yes, I know it is November 2nd. I have been extremely busy these past couple of days, and am now finally able to get on the computer.
I hope you all had a Happy Halloween, and let's finish up the last week of Inktober!
I would like to note that I had miscounted, and only have 30 days, but I'm too tired and busy and lazy to make one last drawing, so...yeah
Day 19 - Memory
The arrogantly quirk and egotistical Memory! Memory acts very much like a child. Despite being an extremely powerful demon-angel thing (???), Memory will often throw a tantrum if he does not get what he wants. (He also can switch between male and female sort of at will, but we don't talk about female Memory...
Day 20 - Dream
Dream is a jerk. That's a fact. She hates everyone, and prefers to be left alone with the dreams of others, and her own imagination. she has also been known to release nightmares just because she's bored, but, y'know...
Day 21 - Time Lord Daika
Who doesn't love time dragons??? I know I do! Well, that's what Daikans are - time dragons. Though this drawing is more of just a regular Daikan than Time Lord Daika herself, but I don't want to give away anything before I even tell my story...
Day 22 - Space King Zan
If you thought time dragons were cool, how about Space Dinos???? Again, more of a regular Zanian than Zan himself, but they're still pretty cool. i still can't draw space.
Day 23 - Callie and Marie
Originally this was me and my friend as Callie and Marie, because that's what we were for Halloween, (which failed horribly, we will never talk about that aahahaahahaaaa :"^) but now it's just Callie and Marie, so ignore anything else I guess ahahahaaaaaa hnnn

Well, that's the days in between squid week and friend week, the sort of filler days. So onto friend drawings!

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