
Monday, October 3, 2016

Happy October!

This year I will be doing the Inktober challenge! I'm not following any particular "challenges" or "prompts", just one ink drawing a day!

And, yes, I know it is October 3rd. I've been pretty busy, and have been having printer problems, but I am able to get these up today!

Day 1 - Silver
Just a drawing of Silver, nothing else, really. Although I did have fun with this!

Day 2 - Red
I ended up doing this pretty late last night because we were out all day.
Though, the more I look at this, the more I wish I had centered it better...

Day 3 - Truth and Princess Eliza
Whenever I ask my sister for something to draw, she always says these two. She really likes them. I haven't introduced these two on here yet, but here they are! The shapeshifting monster Truth, and the 10 year old Princess Eliza.
Not sure what it is, but I just kinda like the thought of  'the most dangerous monster in the whole world being pushed around by a little 10 year old girl'. I dunno. I just kinda find that funny. And he's only being 'pushed' around by her, because he has no idea what is going on, with anything, so she's gotta teach him, pretty much, how to live.

I'll be honest, I feel I kind of rushed this. 
And I couldn't edit it too well because I have no idea how to use Photoshop
Oh well. What do you think?

Well, that's days 1-3. Hopefully I can't get day 4 up tomorrow, and I have plenty of drawings planned for the whole month! Stay tuned!

ohmygosh i bought new pens and i think im already beginning to run out of ink jeez

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